Tooth Extraction Longview, TX

Longview Family Dental is a trusted dentist office that offers general dentistry services. Some patients need tooth extractions to improve their oral health. While we will always do what we can to save your natural tooth, but sometimes pulling a tooth is best for your dental health. Longview Family Dental can provide a pain-free tooth extraction in Longview, TX, if you need a tooth removed. We can also provide you with a tooth replacement if necessary.

tooth extraction in Longview, TX

What is a Tooth Extraction?

A tooth extraction is a dental procedure that involves removing a tooth from the socket in the jawbone. While extractions are a last resort, there are instances when it becomes necessary to intervene for various reasons.

Our dentist may suggest removing a tooth for many reasons. The reasons range from extensive decay and infection to wisdom teeth considerations. Maintaining your oral health is always the top priority.

Why Are Tooth Extractions Necessary?

We may remove one or more teeth if we find these problems: 

  • Severe Tooth Decay: In some cases, decay can damage the tooth structure beyond repair. We may remove an infected tooth to prevent the spread of infection to surrounding teeth.
  • Advanced Gum Disease: Gum disease can lead to loose teeth. Extraction might be necessary to eliminate compromised teeth and preserve overall oral health.
  • Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Wisdom teeth, or third molars, may become impacted (unable to fully emerge), causing pain, infection, or damage to adjacent teeth. Extraction is often the recommended solution.
  • Overcrowding: Orthodontic treatments may require tooth extraction to create space for proper alignment, especially in cases of overcrowded teeth.
  • Fractured or Broken Teeth: Teeth severely fractured or broken beyond what can be restored with a restorative dentistry treatment may require extraction.
  • Infection or Abscess: Untreated dental infections can lead to abscess formation, a dental emergency. A tooth extraction may be necessary to prevent a ruptured abscess.

Wisdom Tooth Removal

The wisdom teeth, also known as the second molars, are the last teeth that grow. These teeth grow behind your molars.

Wisdom teeth removal is common for young adults in their late teens to early 20s. This is the timeframe when they begin to emerge and sometimes cause problems for the patient.

As a general dental office, we provide wisdom teeth removal for our young patients so they can avoid the many issues these molars can cause. Wisdom teeth are known to cause issues such as:

  • Overcrowding
  • Teeth shifting
  • Tooth decay
  • Impaction
  • Bite issues

We will take X-rays at regular visits to keep track of your oral healht. If you feel pain behind your molars, please contact our office. We will determine if your wisdom teeth are growing nad if you need an extraction. 

If your wisdom teeth don’t have enough room to grow, we will recommend removal. Impacted wisdom teeth can damage surrounding teeth and lead to crooked teeth. 

Tooth Extraction in Longview, TX

Our dentist will determine if you need a tooth extraction during an initial appointment. He may determine this through an oral exam and/or dental X-rays. Your dentist will plan your treatment. We offer sedation dentistry options if you suffer from dental anxiety.

At your dentist appointment, the first step is to prepare you for the procedure. Your dentist will administer local anesthesia to numb the tooth and the area around the tooth.

To remove the tooth, our dentist will execute one of two extraction techniques: simple or surgical. Simple extractions involve loosening the tooth with an elevator and removing it with forceps. Surgical extractions are more complex and may involve cutting into the gum or bone. While simple tooth extractions can take minutes, complex extractions can take hours.

After tooth extraction, our dentist will place gauze over the site to control bleeding. A clot needs to form in the gap to inhibit healing. We will give specific instructions for immediate care, including avoiding certain foods and activities.

In some cases, sutures may be necessary to close the extraction site. The healing process involves the formation of a blood clot, followed by the growth of new bone and gum tissue.

If you need to replace your extracted tooth or teeth, we will wait until your gums heal. Then, we will work with you to find the best tooth replacement. Our office provides dental implants to support crowns, bridges, and dentures. 

Tooth Extraction: Aftercare Instructions

Following your extraction, we will provide specific instructions to help you heal. Some common instructions to follow as you heal include:

  • Manage Pain: We will suggest over-the-counter or prescription pain medication to help you manage post-extraction discomfort. Please follow the prescribed dosage.
  • Use Ice Packs: Applying ice packs to the affected area for the first 24 hours helps reduce swelling and discomfort. Use ice for 15 minutes at a time.
  • Rest and Avoiding Strenuous Activities: Rest is crucial for the initial recovery. Avoid strenuous activities to prevent complications or disrupt the healing process.
  • Stick to A Soft Diet: Please stick to a soft food-only diet for a few days. Also, avoid hot and spicy foods. These foods can irritate the extraction site.
  • Brush and Floss: Proper oral hygiene is essential. You must continue brushing your teeth but avoid the extraction site during the initial healing phase. We suggest rinsing with saltwater once your extraction sites heal. This rinse will reduce swelling and promote healing.
  • Go to Follow-Up Appointments: You must attend follow-up appointments. In our office, we will monitor your healing process and address any concerns.

What is Dry Socket?

Dry socket is a painful condition that occurs if blood clots do not form or are dislodged from your extraction sites. Blood clots help cover and protect the tooth’s nerves. You can experience extreme pain if you develop dry socket.

To prevent dry socket, avoid using a straw or rinsing your mouth. Keep gauze over the extraction sites until the bleeding stops. If you encounter dry socket, contact our office. We often recommend pain medication, a cold compress, and rest to treat dry socket.

Restore Your Health

Do you want to change the shade of your teeth? Try teeth whitening treatment. 

Call Longview Family Dental at 903-662-7811 for comfortable tooth extraction treatment in Longview, TX. You may also schedule an appointment with us online. If you have any questions about treatment, let us know at our next visit.