Habits That Might Give You Sensitive Teeth

Tooth sensitivity may leave you with debilitating pain in your tooth. The symptom occurs when damaged enamel, the outer layer of the tooth, exposes underlying nerves within the tooth. External stimuli, such as foods, will touch these nerves and cause a sharp jolt of pain.

This oral pain can point to a serious underlying health problem, so make sure you talk to your dentist about any tooth sensitivity that you notice. But teeth may become sensitive due to your own oral habits.

Prioritize your oral health care, including noticing your habits, if you want to preserve your smile and avoid tooth sensitivity. Read on to learn about five behaviors that might cause tooth sensitivity pain if they continue unchecked.

Habits That Might Give You Sensitive Teeth

Consuming Acidic Foods

Acidic foods and beverages, such as sugary treats or citrus fruits and juices, can prove harmful to your tooth enamel. The acid from these food items will linger on your smile and eat away at your dental structure.

This weakens the enamel, and after enough damage, you could suffer from tooth sensitivity as a result. Pay attention to your diet and steer clear of added sugar and highly acidic foods and drinks so that you do not hurt your teeth.

Biting Hard Items

Your teeth will endure wear and tear throughout the day without issue, but under high pressure, a tooth might chip, crack, or fracture. A broken tooth means that your enamel no longer shields underlying nerves inside the tooth. You could be left in oral pain, including tooth sensitivity.

For this reason, be careful when you consume hard-textured foods like nuts or hard candy. Do not bite down on unnecessary hard objects as well. This means stopping a nail-biting habit and avoiding chewing ice.


Approximately 20% of dental patients have bruxism, a habit in which a person grinds or clenches their teeth on a chronic basis. The constant grating of the top arch of teeth against the bottom ones generates pressure that could wear down your teeth or cause tooth breakage.

If you know you grind your teeth, do not ignore the issue or you could suffer a dental injury that may lead to tooth sensitivity. Some people do not know that they have bruxism because it happens while they sleep without their awareness. Learn more about teeth grinding treatment by calling your dentist.

Poor Dental Care

You know that you need to practice good oral hygiene if you want to keep your smile healthy. But sticking to a consistent and thorough oral hygiene regimen will also prevent tooth sensitivity. This oral pain can develop as a side effect of cavities, so fighting tooth decay will also keep sensitivity at bay.

If you do not brush your teeth or floss as often as you should, plaque will remain on your smile, weakening your dental structure. Thinned and damaged tooth enamel will put you in danger of tooth sensitivity. Practice good at-home dental care and visit your dentist for professional dental cleanings to avoid this issue.

Harsh Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene is crucial to protecting your smile, but if you use improper brushing techniques, you could cause damage to your enamel. Brushing your teeth too harshly or using a hard-bristled toothbrush might hurt your enamel and leave you with tooth sensitivity.

Choose soft-bristled brushes and use gentle, purposeful brushing methods for optimal results. Ask your dentist for more oral hygiene tips at your next appointment.